Overview icon showing a book


Illustrate a process but it must comform to the isometric grid.

Output icon showing a list with checkboxes and a pencil


  • Isometric Illustration
  • Web page design
Details icon showing a pencil and a ruler in a container



  • 1 month
  • Tools & Software

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
First rough sketch of the cycle of seasons idea
Second rough sketch of the cycle of seasons idea

When we were told about this project, I had no idea what to do. I searched endlessly for inspiration, but the idea was not coming to me quickly. There were so many complicated ideas that I had in mind, but I had no idea how to execute them fully. It wasn't until I was standing at the bus stop and I thought to do the process of the four seasons.

First progress of the isometric illustration
Second progress of the isometric illustration

I took the sketch I had and took it into illustrator. Then I started to work on each terrain for each season.

Third progress of the isometric illustration
Fourth progress of the isometric illustration

When the terrain was done for each season I decided to tackle the landscape first. I always like to start small because it allows me to figure out what style would look best for the illustration.

Progress of the different trees
Fifth progress of the isometric illustration
Sixth progress of the isometric illustration
Final isometric illustration
Final illustration
Final isometric illustration on a webpage
Illustration used in a weather website

The Accomplished Objective

This project shows off my ability to go above and beyond a static illustration. It shows that I can create an innovative solution for a static illustration by taking a small project for school and figuring out how to incorporate it into a practical design project.

View the next project which is a web app called Eatin